X-Men The Last Stand is Excessive! – Hack The Movies (#286)
We finally made it to the first “LAST” X-Men movie! My cousin Monica joins me to look at Brett Ratner’s attempt to close...

We finally made it to the first “LAST” X-Men movie! My cousin Monica joins me to look at Brett Ratner’s attempt to close...
Tony and Sean from Movie Dumpster take a look at the newest Mortal Kombat Legend’s film.
Shaun of the Dead was a smash hit in 2004! It introduced the world to Edgar Wright, Nick Frost, and Simon Pegg. It...
Now that The First Omen is out in theaters I decided to go on a journey with JoeyC and Casey to find out...
For reasons know to no one they decided to remake Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead. Casey and I really liked the original...
We’re back with ANOTHER Ghostbuster movie. Crystal wasn’t too impressed with Afterlife and I outright hated it. Most fans thought it was good...
Hellboy turns 20 this year so we felt the need to revisit the first movie. Find out why we think Guillermo del Toro’s...
Join us for our March 2024 wrap-up where we cover new movies and shows! Theater Imaginary Immaculate Hulu Shogun Netflix Damsel Amazon Road...
I’m back with Crystal and Cayley and this time we are celebrating the 10 year anniversary of It Follows….a few months early. Do...
We covered the remakes for Last House on The Left and The Hills Have Eyes so it only made sense to return to...