Is Blair Witch 2016 a Worthy Reboot? – Hack The Movies (#186)
Tony, Frank, and Cecil from GoodBadFlicks gather around to talk about the 2016 Blair Witch reboot by Adam Wingard. Its another direct sequel...

Tony, Frank, and Cecil from GoodBadFlicks gather around to talk about the 2016 Blair Witch reboot by Adam Wingard. Its another direct sequel...
Join Tony and Joe as they talk about horror movies that take place on Thanksgiving! Have you seen any of these?
Tony and JoeyC team up to talk about Double Dragon! The video game movie from the 90s that isn’t as good as Mortal...
It’s time to finally dive into the Nightmare series! What better way to start than with the original Wes Craven classic. Johanna and...
Marvel is dipping its toes into the horror genre lately. It’s not the first time though! Of course they did Blade before but...
Tony and Casey talk about the ultimate monster mash. This movie is a graveyward smash! It’s The Monsters Squad! A group of horror...
Tony and Johanna wrap up spooky season talking about some horror films that have come out this year! This episode was broadcasted live....
Halloween Ends is here. The internet has determined that it is the worst Halloween movie since whatever the last one was. Others are...
Tony, his cousin Monica, and Crystal gather around to talk about the newest Hellraiser film. Does it succeed where other follow ups have...
Tony, Casey, and Sean from Movie Dumpster get together to talk about the extremely panned Munsters reboot by Rob Zombie. Did we hate...